Transforming water utilities abroad

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Raise standards by tapping into our skills and expertise

By tapping into the skills, knowledge and expertise from teams across Scottish Water, we are ideally positioned to offer specialist consultancy services to utilities beyond our borders.

Scottish Water has made a remarkable transformation over the last 20 years since its formation. A growing number of utilities are now looking towards its model of an independently regulated public business which has rapidly improved its efficiency and service.

Building on Scottish Water’s own journey, our aim is to share this experience of transformation to help other utilities deliver improved services at the lowest possible cost, for the benefit of their customers. 

Already our consultants have successfully delivered a diverse range of assignments across countries such as the Gulf States, Ireland, Canada, New Zealand, India, Norway and England; advising on the operation and maintenance of networks, treatment works and asset management, as well as providing advice on capital procurement, governance and the Scottish regulatory model.

Currently we are providing consultancy support to South Australia Water to develop their new capital delivery model to support their next investment period. 

Our key advisory services include:

➜ Transforming efficiency and service;

➜ Operations and maintenance advice and support, including training and strategic advice;

➜ Capital investment governance and management;

➜ Regulatory and financial restructuring for public utilities;

Our expert consultants – who work in Scottish Water front line roles – are unique in being able to offer utilities real-life experience of transforming performance, which can help our clients to accelerate, and succeed in, their own journey of transformation.

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