Chloe Sinet - Modern Apprentice
Project Management

09 February 2024

Having joined us just six months ago, Chloe has already come a long way in her role as Modern Apprentice within our Developer Projects team.   We sat down with Chloe to find out more…

What made you take up a Modern Apprenticeship?

Chloe Sinet

I’ve always had a keen interest in engineering and was keen to purse a career in that field.  I knew university wasn’t a route I wanted to go down so I did a foundation apprenticeship while at school.  It was during this time I got a placement within Scottish Water to work in one of its engineering divisions.  I really enjoyed my time there, everyone was so supportive and I learned so much in a very short place of time.

It was through this experience that I eventually came across the opportunity to join the business as a fully fledged Modern Apprentice in Project Management.  Six months in and I haven’t looked back!

What have you been doing in your new role?

Following my induction, I was placed into the Developer Projects team within Horizons.  This team works with developers to install water and waste water networks to support new housing developments.   There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes even before a spade hits the ground.  So, for me, it’s been all about getting to grips with how the business works, new systems, processes and meeting new people.

Already I’ve been helping with smaller projects such as flow and pressure tests.  This helps developers understand the impact of a new housing development on existing networks.  From this we can say whether the network is fine from a capacity perspective or whether it needs to be improved.

More recently I’ve been assisting with some of the bigger projects which I’ve found really interesting.  I’ve been shadowing project managers to get a better understanding of what they do.   Every day is a school day as they say!

Chloe (left) with Mckenzie Hainey, Modern Apprentice, and Alana Black, Project Delivery Coordinator

What have you enjoyed the most?

The team I work with have been brilliant.  I’m very lucky to be placed in a team where everyone is so welcoming and helpful.  It was a bit daunting coming straight into a work role. But Alana, my mentor, has been fantastic with training and I’ve really enjoyed working with her.

I’ve also had the chance to visit operational sites which I’ve really enjoyed.  So far, I’ve toured a solar PV site, a waste water Development Centre, and several treatment works.  The visits have been such an eye-opener and I hope to visit more in the future.

I’m also enjoying the college side of things too.  Every few months I meet with other Modern Apprentices for a full week’s workshop.  As part of the course, I have to compile a portfolio of all the different things I’ve learned on the job. In just six short months I have done so much already!

What are your ambitions for the future?

While I’m still interested in the field of engineering, I’m really enjoying the project management side of things and looking forward to seeing where this will take me. 

Already I feel like I’ve taken a big step coming straight out of school, but it’s been worth it.  My advice to anyone considering a Modern Apprenticeship is to just go for it.  There is nothing to lose as the saying goes and everything to gain.

Alana Black, Chloe’s mentor, sums up Chloe’s experience so far… 

As part of my own development, I was asked to mentor Chloe in her transition to work and help integrate her with the team.  I’m glad it was Chloe who I was asked to mentor, she is very keen to learn, takes everything in her stride and has come on leaps and bounds in her short six months with us. 

I believe you get the most out of a mentoring relationship when you’re well matched and I feel we have both benefited from this experience.  I am proud of how far Chloe has come and can already see her confidence has grown.  She is a great asset to the team in Horizons and Scottish Water and I know she will do well in the rest of the programme. 

Click here for more info on Scottish Water’s Modern Apprenticeship Scheme.

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